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IACUC Ongoing Training

Dr. Mus is preparing to change soiled cages within his rodent colony. Once animals are transferred to clean cages, what steps does Dr. Mus need to take before soiled cages are returned to cage wash? 

A. Nothing. Once rodents are removed from a soiled cage, lab personnel can leave the vivarium and perform other tasks.

B. Lab personnel must sift through bedding with gloved hands, lift the wire bar lid, nesting material, and shelter enrichment devices (such as igloos or safe harbor retreats), to ensure mice are not located underneath. 

C. The lab needs to transfer and/or remove applicable cage-side documentation. 

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Dr. Mus is preparing to change soiled cages within his rodent colony. Once animals are transferred to clean cages, what steps does Dr. Mus need to take before soiled cages are returned to cage wash? 

A. Nothing. Once rodents are removed from a soiled cage, lab personnel can leave the vivarium and perform other tasks.

B. Lab personnel must sift through bedding with gloved hands, lift the wire bar lid, nesting material, and shelter enrichment devices (such as igloos or safe harbor retreats), to ensure mice are not located underneath. 

C. The lab needs to transfer and/or remove applicable cage-side documentation. 


Learner Feedback: The correct answer is "B." Please thoroughly check cages for animals/pups when changing cages in CCM and returning soiled cages to CCM facilities from laboratory spaces. If overlooked mice are discovered in the soiled cages, please consider the following: 

If the mice are not required for an experiment, humanely euthanize.  If the discovered mice are deceased, the carcass must still be removed and properly disposed of. Place deceased animals in labeled red carcass bags. Remove any items from animals (e.g., ear tag, head bolt, implant) before placing into a red carcass bag(s) labeled with the PI Name, Date, and Lab Member Initials. Labelled carcass bags containing deceased animals are to be placed within CCM carcass coolers.   

While CCM personnel provide daily care and oversight to research animals, it is ultimately the lab's responsibility to ensure animals are culled/disposed of appropriately and soiled cages are thoroughly examined before being returned to cage wash.